Tuesday, July 18, 2017

A Beautiful Target

A Beautiful Target
I recall when I wrote and posted Blazon in 2011 that the cashier at McDonald's thought she should animate her gesture of handing me my bag of food with a 'move', in order to mock one of its lyrics. She spoiled it for me when she did that, and it's a better song than a lot of what the radio has since been offering in its place.

I never know what kind of cruelty I will receive from the people I meet in my daily rounds. In 2012 I suffered violations of my new songs all year. By late August, as I began inadvertent reconstruction of my huge comedy blog, the Card Parties, I tried to play an open mic show at the Cafe Deux Soleil, but I was driven away by their sound man's put-down, which called my gear 'unsightly'. In 2013 you can see how long it took to clear the fraud monsters from the stage by the gap between my posts, Get Off the Stage and Have You Heard David's Innocent: a whole month of pure misery. And then you can see how my image was thrown back in the toilet for a new fraud star in 2014 by my post the Path to Infamy.

Summer is always about stealing my things and maligning my image: from 2012's Summer Sucks to 2013's Fans of the Flames to 2014's What Do You Do All Day? to 2015's Summer of 2015 to last summer's Mature People Need Less Love to this summer's being called OJ Simpson by a cashier, as documented in my last post to Coats from the Lost and Found. This is the behaviour of people who want me to kill myself. I sure hope I can get better treatment outside this region.

What did broadcasters call that singer who helped himself to four hours of my songs again? Oh, Jesus! Well, Jesus is the most beautiful person who ever lived, so they must have thought he looked very beautiful with his face attached to hours of my music. And what do they call me, the author of my music? Am I not at least as beautiful as the fraud who stole my music? Maybe you'd see it if you were able to look at my face for longer than five seconds without some new assassin coming along and covering it in filth. And are you getting sick of this? Well, are you getting sick of repeated violations of my image or of me defending myself against them? I hope it's the former. By the way, who told me in 2007 that no one's allowed to tarnish my image? When are you going to tell everyone else?

What did you think I meant by the line beauty that needs complete replacing... in my song Fool's Paradise? Was that song more enjoyable for you when it lost all its meaning in the hands of frauds? There I was in 2007, sharing a song about how commercial illusions destroy truth's beauty, and it gets stolen and credited to Nickleback on the radio. I've been stating my case for three years now, since I inadvertently rewrote the song in 2014, but I still end up getting insulted by maliciously misinformed cashiers over it. The more beautiful something is, the more determined evil broadcasters are to destroy it.

And, wow, did the TV ever shred my poetry. How many different TV shows had a hand in destroying the Mammals alone? When you take a tome like that, with its meter unbroken for sixty-four verses, and tear it apart to distribute its pieces among your accomplices, you are engaged in an act of all out destruction. And what is a poem? Is it not beautiful? So taking it and ripping it apart is a crime against beauty. But what did Tina Fey get called for this crime? She was called an artist. If she's going to be called an artist for my poems and Dean's going to be called Jesus for my music, I guess I'll just get stuck being called all the other names you can think of. But an artist is one who is concerned with beauty, right? And Tina Fey was only ever concerned with stardom and power. Incidentally, when I heard about a 'dirty fraud show' getting kicked off the air in 2016, did it have anything to do with my reconstruction of the Octiverse at that time, of which the Mammals comprises a mere eighth?

Broadcasters think they can win you over with posters and videos of their bad bands, but look how much more attention I got by merely capitalizing some of the titles in my music index. It caused such a rush to my music that someone had to block it out. They need to resort to dirty tricks like that because they have no beautiful work to make up for all the music and poetry and comedy I've reclaimed through this account. They shouldn't be allowed to broadcast if they're just going to use their influence to inflict further harm on their fraud victim. And by making me suffer so terribly for sharing my work here, they've discouraged me from sharing my new creations with you. I have new recordings that already sound better than Nickleback, even with their vocal track missing, but I don't feel safe about finishing them and posting them on the internet. I also have new comedy scripts that would certainly make you laugh, but it's not my job to make you laugh and the ones who are getting paid to do it depend too heavily on my wit.
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© 2017. Statements by David Skerkowski. All rights reserved.

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