Friday, November 10, 2017

Remember the Post

Remember the Post
Not much new to talk about. We're headed into Veteran's Day, which used to be called Remembrance Day. It's important to remember unpleasant events. If we don't recall them, we're in danger of repeating them. The past is filled with as much horror as pleasure, but when we look back, we skip over the troubling memories in favor of the fond ones - at least I do.

Trying to proceed with no acknowledgement of the past is like trying to grow a plant without roots. It won't grow. That's why I try to face the unpleasant truths of my life, the horror of these thousands of copyright violations of my work. It may not yield much of a profit, but at least I know I'm alive and I'm standing in the light. As for those celebrities who needed to lie to the world with my music and comedy, I find them profoundly disappointing.

I wake up to an extremely unpleasant reality every morning now, but I'm usually in an optimistic mood before the end of the day. This is a very difficult time of my life. Less and less to look forward to with each passing year.

To help you remember the last eight years of my life, I developed my Chronoblog. My statements since 2010 will show you what has happened to me on this internet. I'm certainly not afraid to talk about it. I'm not afraid to say that these crooked stars and broadcasters committed a terrible crime, even though, most of the time, mine is the only voice saying it.

It's November 26, 2017 and I'm at the library to return a batch of DVD's. I'm depressed because I have nothing to take my mind off the injustice of my life. I have nothing to look back on now but ten or so years of fighting against an army of frauds on the internet. In all that time, the frauds managed to get paid for my work, but I can't seem to find a lawyer or a policeman who will help an author to collect his rightful pay. It is a serious flaw in our capitalist system that lets rich bastards trample all over our copyrights and image as they did with me. But some capitalists disagree with this and think we should just ignore massive copyright violations in favour of news stories that glorify mass murderers. Perhaps this is in response to popular tastes, and even I might normally be interested in such morbid accounts, so I'd better not condemn them too harshly. I just wish we had a safer climate for innocent authors.

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